Bottom of the ninth. You’re up by one run. Bases loaded. Two Outs. You’re behind the plate.
Adrenaline is coursing through your veins. That runner on third has a big lead, could he steal home?
What if your closer throws a pitch in the dirt? What is the right pitch to call?
With so much on your mind, the last thing you want to think about is if my equipment is protecting me?
While we can’t put your mind at ease on how you’re going to rack up that last out, we can promise you that your FORCE3 won’t let you down.
If you’ve been checking out our assortment of products, you’ll see the term NOCSAE/SEI tested mentioned throughout. But what is NOCSAE/SEI and what does its certification mean?
First off, what does NOCSAE stand for? And what do they do?
It is an acronym for National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment. It is a non-profit organization based out of Kansas that was formed on a request by the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Equipment and Injuries Committee in 1967 to gather information on football injuries to the head and spine and explore ways to limit these injuries.
While their focus was initially on football, today NOCSAE has expanded to providing equipment safety standards for Baseball, Softball and Lacrosse.
According to their official site, “NOCSAE develops voluntary performance and test standards for athletic equipment that are available for adoption by any athletic regulatory body.”
How does NOCSAE certify athletic equipment?
While NOCSAE sets the standards to follow for athletic gear to be certified, they do NOT do the certification themselves. They rely on an independent third party called SEI or Safety Equipment Institute to perform these safety tests at their independently run laboratories. This gives the athlete the confidence knowing that their equipment has been safety tested and verified by an unbiased third party.
How do I know that my equipment has been certified by SEI?
Look for the NOCSAE seal.
Have FORCE3 PRO GEAR Masks been tested using NOCSAE’s standards?
The FORCE3 PRO GEAR masks have been tested by three independent NOCSAE* approved labs and has successfully passed each test. To pass the skull fracture test a mask must receive a score under 1200 on the severity index.
FORCE3 PRO GEAR Proudly Carries The SEI/NOCSAE Certification Seal On:
- Our HOCKEY STYLE DEFENDER MASKS: thanks to the patented dual mask S3 Shock Suspension System which significantly reduces the force of frontal impacts.
It’s the only chest protector using a combination of multi-layer Dupont™ Kevlar® sections and EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate, a material consisting of a rubbery copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate). Our proprietary panels work together for maximum force dispersement, keeping the force of impact away from your body.
Does All Athletic Equipment require the SEI/NOCSAE certification?
Although certification is voluntary (unless mandated by a sports league), FORCE3 is committed to one purpose in mind — “To develop and deliver uncompromised safety around the world from head-to-toe.”